Small Bedroom Space

Making the Most of a Small Bedroom Space

Creating a space that is glamorous, comfortable, and usable is not always easy. And, if you are faced with a bedroom that is small in size, it can be even more of a challenge.

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Orange and Green Decor

Home Design Trends for Spring

As shoots of green begin to emerge from the ground and tiny bulbs appear in the flower bed, people begin to think about making the interior of their homes just as alive with newness and life. From materials to colors, here are some of the hottest home design trends for spring! Bring the…

Kitchen With Red Accent Color

Adding Pops of Color to Your Kitchen

In many homes, the kitchen is designed to be a neutral space without a lot of bright color. While this concept makes for a great base canvas, adding pops of color to your kitchen can really add visual appeal, as well as fun, to the space.